LDA Explanation Demonstration

This notebook is available here and its purpose is to demonstrate the functionality of the class LDA_Explainer. For further details, see the API documentation.

In [1]:
from LDA_Explanation.lda_explainer import LDA_Explainer

Read the data and model confidence

The data is taken from CausaLM Datasets and the confidence was calculated using a BERT classifier from Trasformers for sentiment classification.

The specific csv file we use is available here.

This data is ruled by domains (reviews for movies, books, electronics and kitchen products), but the module works the same without domains given (try passing domain_labels = None at initialization). The last domain (DVD) is dropped since it is too similar to the first (movies).

In [2]:
import pandas as pd  # For presenting the data, not necessary.

df = pd.read_csv('reviews_with_confidence.csv')
df = df[df['domain_label'] != 4]
domain_label review sentiment_label confidence
0 0 Worst pile of drivel to date ! Everyone involv... 0 0.048275
1 0 I do n't even understand what they tried to ac... 0 0.002612
2 0 Two years after this movie was made , " The Ju... 0 0.005946
3 0 I loved the first movie , the second one was o... 0 0.286935
4 0 I watched 5 % of this movie tonight and you ma... 0 0.033842
... ... ... ... ...
8723 3 Great little steamer ; this HS900 model is onl... 1 0.961322
8724 3 Makes The Best Coffee I have owned at least si... 1 0.863748
8725 3 Excellent product and excellent product suppor... 1 0.986386
8726 3 Does the job A fork is a fork , right ? This d... 1 0.854980
8727 3 Love it ! We have three dogs so the fur is end... 1 0.899012

8000 rows × 4 columns

Fit an LDA_Explainer to the model

In [3]:
explainer = LDA_Explainer(num_topics = 30).fit(texts = df['review'],
                                               model_confidence = df['confidence'],
                                               domain_labels = df['domain_label'],
                                               domain_names = ['Movies', 'Books', 'Electronics', 'Kitchen']

Save or load an LDA_Explainer

In [4]:
# explainer.save('./saved_models/lda30')  # Creates multiple files in "./saved_models/" with the prefix "lda30".

explainer = LDA_Explainer.load('./saved_models/lda30')

Display the topics

Highlighted are topics that seem to represent the domains.
Highlighting is manual and was made specifically for this model. Fitting a new model will result in different topics.

In [5]:
explainer.display_topics(topn = 13,  # 13 to fit nicely in a webpage
                         colors = {  # Manual coloring
                             'red': [2, 14],     # Movies
                             'green': [10, 16],  # Books
                             'blue': [4, 8, 9],  # Electronics
                             'purple': [3, 21]   # Kitchen

Top 13 Words

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
topic #1 pan use great ipod pans time like set love heat case nice easy
topic #2 film movie story great good like bad best love films little seen filters
topic #3 coffee cup cooker maker timer kitchen hot counter appliance time pot carafe use
topic #4 player sound good bought use great ipod worked problem dvd works quality mp3
topic #5 book film time like great movie people good world way love author think
topic #6 ice book printer cartridges use great good oxo work like dishes got instruction
topic #7 movie time wine film like great recipes watch good way book best chinese
topic #8 card like good work memory garmin signal cards movie clip bought transfer use
topic #9 product great quality phone good price sound buy use work mouse cable better
topic #10 book like movie good read people time way little love great life think
topic #11 machine like kitchenaid mixer bread good movie use belkin years time phone great
topic #12 oven router toaster bowl temperature pizza internet antenna like dropped wireless grease use
topic #13 toaster buy sauce time years like griddle cup right movie drive receipt great
topic #14 movie like good film think people time love best actually story way characters
topic #15 service customer unit product warranty shipping item buy amazon sent great products received
topic #16 book read good like time books life reading story characters novel great movie
topic #17 film like movie time good people original years better story know movies great
topic #18 book like good new story read time work problem way people little books
topic #19 dvds radio mattress kit dissapointed cracked car viewsonic sale adapter resolution retail burning
topic #20 book read like good great better books reading know life years lot mug
topic #21 coffee great clean iron good cuisinart love grinder kitchen blade grind like time
topic #22 knife opener lids com movie pasta mail good www bread ipaq like farberware
topic #23 blender canon buy bought like great amazon glasses brew inexpensive bowls corelle printer
topic #24 time amazon water item tea like good book filter bought received new grill
topic #25 book movie read great bad story good time books best like series film
topic #26 movie time like way good book cutting great film story paper big little
topic #27 rice book people time corded life europe album great read like outlet war
topic #28 coffee china time like year money broken grounds litter fixed replacement maker machine
topic #29 use great easy good water quality set size book food little price product
topic #30 thermometer vegetables meat steamer firmware food updated chicken diet book like downloading movie

Display the separating topics

For each domain $d$ (and all domains), we choose the separating topic $z^d$ that maximizes $$ z^d = \arg\max_{z \in Z} \left| \sum_{i \in I^d} \hat{y}_i \theta_z^i \right| $$ Where $Z$ is the set of all topics, $I^d$ is the set of documents belonging to the domain $d$, $\hat{y}_i$ is the prediction of the explained model ($1$ or $-1$) and $\theta_z^i$ is the probability (dominance) of topic $z$ in document $i$.

This measure is meant to encapsulate the separating ability of the topics (i.e., how much the presence of the topic in the document affects the prediction).

The score values in the following table is the score of the separating topic with its sign, i.e., $\sum_{i \in I^d} \hat{y}_i \theta_{z^d}^i$.

In [6]:
explainer.display_seperating_topics(topn = 15)
# score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
All 29 162.469 use great easy good water quality set size book food little price product knives large
Movies 14 -59.4849 movie like good film think people time love best actually story way characters little great
Books 5 40.2279 book film time like great movie people good world way love author think know children
Electronics 4 -43.1907 player sound good bought use great ipod worked problem dvd works quality mp3 support time
Kitchen 29 102.462 use great easy good water quality set size book food little price product knives large

Plot model confidence vs. separating topic probability for each domain

As in Reichart et al. 2020 (see documentation), for each topic probability $j \in \{0.1, 0.2, ..., 1\}$, the confidence is averaged over $\big\{i \in I^d : \theta^i_{z^d} \in (j - 0.1, j]\big\}$.

In [7]:
figure = explainer.plot_topic_confidence_trends()

Plot topic dominance (probability) in each domain, for all topics

Just cause.

In [8]:
figures = explainer.plot_topics_dominance()